Magic Online

  • Magic online turned 10 years old at the 24th of June this year! Happy birthday Magic Online!

  • As hinted in the last article by Wiseman-of-the-Mountain, this day will be dedicated to the popular online version of our favorite game.

  • If you read tyos article, you already know that today was the MtgO team members online chat. I was at that chat and chatted with the team members (duh). Wut wut I learned was astonishing.

  • Indeed. We were informed that Magic Online, at some point in the future will, explore the possibility of creating a slightly different game of magic. An online-only version of the game.

  • And because there already are online-only sets, integration will not be difficult at all. So, in the next Masters Edition release, be prepared to see those new cards: 

  • You may have noticed that these cards already exist but, of course, do something else. Remember that this is only a preview article, and the actual names will be slightly changed in order to match valid card creation rules.

  • Tyos be not the last of the online themed cards, but we are saving the rest when Masters Edition V launches. Until next time, have fun playing Magic online!