Music Vol. 1

  • Welcome, welcome, to another ax the dusk, that be me, show. As we told you in the last episode, today we'll be rockin' hard!

  • Hello from me, too. As you may have already noticed, there are some cards in the game inspired by the music genre. In this episode, we'll be introducing our special guest and showing how some cards were before their final print.

  • But first, here be our guest, my man and best friend, the Rhym Galvanizer!
  • Welcome to the show, Rhym Galvanizer! Good to have you here. What do you think of it?

  • Don't hold back...

  • Really? I'm very happy to hear that. But the audience is waiting, so let's show them the cards!
  • Yo, Rhym, wut wut do you tyonk of today's booty?

  • Don't hold back...

  • And wut wut 'bout their functionality? Should they have stayed in tyos way, or it turned out better the way they saw print?

  • My finger, is on the button...

  • True dat, you are right. The cards as they saw print are these: Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Nevermore and Man-o'-War. They were printed with strict game terms, not taking into consideration the ethos of the bands: Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Nevermore and Manowar.

  • The world, is holdin back...

  • I never thought of it that way. So, word fo' being with us today.

  • The time has come to...

  • And goodbye from me! Thank you again for participating in the show!

  • Galvanize!

  • Well, that's it for today.

  • Bet you enjoyed tyos one. See ya next week with some football action. Ta!

Men in Black

  • As you all know, tyos week launched the third installment of the Men in Black series.

  • Columbia pictures, in association with Wizards of the Coast, decided to cooperate in promoting their products. That means promo cards!

  • So, whoever goes to watch the movie tyos weekend, will receive one of the following promotional cards (while supplies last). They are based on the first movie, so if you haven't seen it, do it now!

  • You may be receiving one of the following:
 (The MiB headquarters)

(The suit every agent has to wear)

(The weapons of choice)

 (The vehicle of choice)

  • Finally, if all goes wrong, you can defeat the aliens using tyos:

  • So, enjoy the movie and have fun!

  • Next time, we'll be rocking some music, along with a special guest. Chiao y'all.

Force of Will

  • Yo, yo, me hommies. Today be a day of major disclosure. And 'bout Legacy.

  • I always enjoy playing Legacy. With my older cards and all. But the decks I like have a four of this particular hard to find card:
  • Yeah, true dat, right? Right? So, we got word that there will be another cycle coming up, equally broken, so all colors do their tyong, not just blue. The cycle be inspired by the card above and will see print in the new set next year, Return to Ravnica.

  • Ravnica was a broken set after all, so this doesn't surprise us at all. My favorite of the five is, of course, the green one.

  • And mine the black one, since I is also black. But here is all of them:

  • That'll be all fo' today. Join us next week fo' some movie action. Peace.

  • Goodbye!

Pro Tour: Barcelona 2012 Promo Card

  • Hey yo, me be back and cranky fo' some card action. Today be the day Pro Tour: Avacyn Restored begins, and we will be seeing the card our ancestors decided to give fo' promotional reasons.

  • Since this Pro Tour is being hosted at the city of Barcelona, our company decided to cooperate with the very successful local football (soccer) team. The card portrays an iconic figure of the team, a world class player - for many the best player in the world. Without further delay, we present to you today:

  • Tyos will be the card me hommies be receiving fo' participating at the Pro Tour (wyole supplies last). A lot of word to me man Messi fo' the fly pose. Peace y'all.


  • Hey yo, my name be Dusk IMP and I'll be hosting this Ask the Dusk blog, along with my buddy Psychoirregular. It be 'bout Magic: the Gathering fake cards, so if you don't know wut MtG is, go learn and come back later.

  • Hi from me, too.

  • Psy be a bit shy. You can find all 'bout he by clicking the link to yo right. But who is I you say? Pleased you asked. I is a fake Magic card, this one:

  • Of course there will be many other cards like my friend here coming but that will be all for today.

  • If you follow the Magic events, you know Pro Tour Barcelona begins tomorrow and it be said it will have a very special promo card. Join us then if you want to see it. Bye fo' now.

  • Goodbye all.