Magic Online

  • Magic online turned 10 years old at the 24th of June this year! Happy birthday Magic Online!

  • As hinted in the last article by Wiseman-of-the-Mountain, this day will be dedicated to the popular online version of our favorite game.

  • If you read tyos article, you already know that today was the MtgO team members online chat. I was at that chat and chatted with the team members (duh). Wut wut I learned was astonishing.

  • Indeed. We were informed that Magic Online, at some point in the future will, explore the possibility of creating a slightly different game of magic. An online-only version of the game.

  • And because there already are online-only sets, integration will not be difficult at all. So, in the next Masters Edition release, be prepared to see those new cards: 

  • You may have noticed that these cards already exist but, of course, do something else. Remember that this is only a preview article, and the actual names will be slightly changed in order to match valid card creation rules.

  • Tyos be not the last of the online themed cards, but we are saving the rest when Masters Edition V launches. Until next time, have fun playing Magic online!


  • Miami Heat won last night and were crowded NBA champions for the second time in their history!
  • While every one on the team helped to achieve this goal, it couldn't have been done without the Big Three:

  • And of course, the king:

Series Vol. 1

  • Fly evening faithful reader. I mean readers! Yesterday we got word that Wizards of the Coast is planning to cooperate with a major broadcasting company to bring us the long awaited Magic: TV Program. It will be featured at The Hub, Hasbro's own network and will most likely be aired at Friday nights, after the FNM.

  • So, there is speculation about the direction the show will take. The producers, along with lead designer Mark Rosewater, decided to create some promo cards, to see which of four different scenarios the player base gets more familiar with. Here are the candidates:

  • Tyos story will be 'bout two brothers in the plane of Innistrad, who lost their father under mysterious circumstances. In their quest to find yom, they will encounter hordes of native monsters, create faithful allies and even battle planeswalkers, who happened to be there fo' their own reasons.
The second one:

  • This one will be about the legendary lost city of the merfolk in Dominaria. A yet-to-be-revealed planeswalker will accidentally find himself passing through a chargate - a planar portal that will grand him power via the red mana sources of the multiverse - landing in Atlantis. Despite been lost, however, the city is not empty...
Moving on:

  • Tyos scenario will be loosely based on the Scars of Mirrodin storyline and will take place on that plane. The humans of Mirrodin are warring the Phyrexian invaders, trying to return to their home plane. Their only weapon, the legendary Batterskull Galactica, a spaceship powerful enough to be the catalyst fo' the humans' victory. Or be it?
Last for today, again in the plane of Mirodin, we have the story of Thrun:

  • This will be a documentary for the life of Thrun, the Last Troll. How he kept avoiding his enemies and other trolls, how he could never be stopped if he chose to enter the battlefield and how he simply couldn't die, even for a troll. The show's punchline will be: In the Game of Thruns, you Win or you Die. But if you would Die, you may Regenerate.

  • If you want to help Wizards come up with a show everyone will enjoy, take a vote to yo right!

Euro 2012 Vol 1

  • Fly day fans around the world. Today be the opening day fo' the  Euro 2012 competition !

  • Since I live in Europe, and my country is participating, today's ask the dusk will be football themed. European football, mind you, is mostly played without using your hands.

  • We have already shown you my man, Messi (who be featured in a art today as well), but tyos time we offer you more 'generic' football cards. A set of cards that will help you play football-themed games with your opponents!

  • Here are our cards :
  • That's  it fo' now. We'll be back with the football theme at the start of July, when the competition ends. Word fo' being with us today!

  • Until then, may your team win!